I've kept it going past these 5 days of motivation. Today I logged 1043 words. Where can I connect with this group again?🤔

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A week later, and the inspiration continues! Thank you Jami and fellow writers. Today's count is 1254.

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1,147 words. I finished the #mini1000 very late. But it’s helped me get started again. And tomorrow, I will write 1,000 words again. Thank you Jami ❤️❤️❤️

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I didn't get much writing done, but this is like, my most productive week ever when it comes to my job, and that involves lots of writing, so yeah, I'd say I still got a lot of use out of the mini 1000 week.

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These emails were a jolt of motivation like I’ve never experienced before. I took an idea for a picture book I’ve had for years and went from a blank page to a third draft of a manuscript in five days. Thank you Jami.

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1009. A great day for theme and story, but the new idea didn't dramatize largely into the sequence I am in right now. It will pay off bigger, later, so this was groundwork. Satisfying if small.

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1006 words on a very windy night in SoCal. It will be a challenge to sleep tonight, though I am in no way currently threatened by the fires far to the west and north of us, but the wind is gusting and loud and bombastic, and I know that it is bringing heartbreak and tragedy to many tonight. I take myself to bed with the knowledge that I met this challenge, however, of writing for 5 days in a row, and meeting or surpassing 1000 words on all but one of those days. Jami, thank you for making space and time and invitation for this!

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707 words, would have liked more, but I am happy with the result, despite the small size.

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1047. Not midnight yet but cutting it close. I hope to continue the practice until it is no long feasible in my life. Writing with no expectations other than creation itself— what a freeing and imaginative act. Thank you all for a fun community and encouraging writing environment.

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1064 and it's after midnight but I did it for five days in a row. there's a first time for everything and I want to keep going. Thank you, Jami! Safe travels and enjoy your book tour!

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1002! I can’t believe I did it. Today was a slog but I got it done. Thank you for this community!

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I did it We did it! 5 days in a row of 1,000 words. Thank you, Jami and all of you one-thousand worders!

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1222! To end the five days. What a great experience. I appreciated the accountability, the motivation to take the next step forward. For me, this meant all those notebooks notes are now in my computer. Something I've been wanting to do since this book "arrived" in November. Thank you, Jami, and thanks to everyone who participated. We may not have ever connected here on otherwise, but the energy was definitely present.

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1007 today. Thanks for another wonderful Mini 1000!

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1315! Great job, everyone. Thank you, Jami!

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1049! We did it! Thank you, Jami!

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