So agree with you. Well said.😊❤️

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Love this one, thank you so much!💖

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1160 about stuff I was scared to say.

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Forgot to count again, but spent the last three hours writing nonstop, so that's a lot, knowing me. I'm beginning to see something take form, which is a relief. It's like watching egg whites begin to "take," but I haven't quite got to the point of putting it in a sleeve and squeezing outz meringues with it yet, much less preheating the oven. Getting there, tho!

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Wrote again today, phew. But still blathering, and for exactly 1,000 words. Not the proudest moment.

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1000 (ahem, 1004) was a SLOG today, thanks to various anxiety-adjacent reasons. But having done it, I feel a bit better. At least there's that!

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Getting to this only now,. Taught my students, had a light supper while reading Danielle Evans' craft essay in "The Sewanee Review" and the first chapter of Kristen Radtke's "Seek You." Having immersed myself in such good work, I did the dishes accompanied by self-doubt and the acknowledgement that revision is more terrifying than writing that first draft. During that first draft, I was all, oh, I'll go back and revise, let me just see what these characters have to say. Now I'm on the second draft, and I have to mean it. Guess I'll get to it.

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551 hard-won words. A real foggy day for me, couldn't find my rhythm, but grateful for the words that showed up. Now to rest, so I can get back on track tomorrow. You're all doing great!

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1,036 about the reasons I'm angry. Because I don't let myself feel anger, but it's starting to bubble up.

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1029 on a new project that is a messy mess right now.

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1037 - a little bit on my fiction project, but mostly a little mini-essay about a Neruda poem and my just-completed therapy session.

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1067, I didn't think I'd make it and was about to give up the whole endeavor. Thanks for being there. Your cheering on helps keep me honest and willing to embrace whatever comes of it.

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1078 words today. love the magic. I didn't love every word I wrote today, but I eventually got to the heart of what I wanted to say and can use that when revision time comes after the challenge + a break. Thank you for cheering us on!

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1449, left it mid-scene to pick up again, later. Anyone else love Day Three? Day Three of #mini1000 and #1000wordsofsummer always brings the magic and connections, threads coming together and ideas finally coming from the ether and landing on the page. That's the gift. Big thanks to Jami and happy writing today, friends.

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1034. Left my characters mid-scene to make it easier to pick up tomorrow!

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Happy to be back at my desk writing this morning. 943 words of a scene revision that has been on my mind for a month. I canceled a workout at the gym so I could have the time to devote to my novel and to this encouraging challenge. So glad I did. I made a note for the next scene that I will write about tomorrow morning. Your support is my creative fuel. Thanks so much.

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