I clearly needed this community, and this challenge, to prime the pump of my writing for 2023.

2,289 words today. And a new place to keep them:


I am so grateful for the motivation and support offered in this space. Sending best wishes to all the others here, with a special shout-out to any other tired parents who are trying to squeak this out during a kiddo's naptime, or before they wake up, or after bedtime, or all three.

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I'm definitely finding that the regularity of the writing is making the writing easier to do when I do it, who would've guessed...

1010 words today.

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Better late than never. Wrote my words today (~1500), after a long day. Didn't craft the essay I was hoping to in this experience, but I did put together a solid plan for revising my pedagogy book. Thanks for this space--I look forward to the summer session!

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Spent my morning editing what I put together during this mini. Loved the whole experience! Thanks so much Jami!

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Okay, 1000+ of a new essay -- written quickly, vaguely inspired by the Newark airport experience (haha / oh no). Off to board my flight! Thanks for this inspiration and lovely community!

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We did it!! I got to about 900 words of freewriting about how I've felt writing this week, and it morphed into a prose-poem on the inner critic which I think I'll send to a new email list on my writing process as I work on my memoir throughout this year. I also edited which cut away about 300 excess words in my chapters that I've worked on. Very grateful for the progress made!

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I missed yesterday, but researched a portion of my article (or maybe essay? maybe book? maybe manifesto?). Today I filled a blank in the outline I started on day 3 with 696 more words. I've been priming my 1000 words a day with morning pages, which are helping me get clear. It's dawning on me that the nonfiction writing holds my interest more than fiction. So for pure whimsy, chose a prompt and wrote a poem, which feels like adding flowers to the front garden. It's joyful, optimistic, energetic. Those 266 words of joy made for a total close to 1000 words today. I'll take it. Thank you for this structure!!

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Love the metaphor of poems as flowers for the front garden. (A friend and I also joked that they are sometimes like the weird mushrooms you find while wandering through a dark woods of the soul. Like... are these gonna be useful to anyone else? Maybe?) And am also finding Morning Pages helpful!

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One step closer! 1,667 morning session, more to come. Thanks so much for your timing, Jami. It's been great to go from a big revision (and release) back into a new work. For me, that first week back is always hard, but it's been easier this week, writing with all of you. One more day! The collective energy is magic.

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A few weeks ago I finished my first novel. Finished but not done. Finished as in I completed the third draft and felt confident enough to write "The End" on the last page. It's been nearly four years in the writing, planning, crafting, thinking, revising. I used the printers at the library to print it out - 292 pages. It's been sitting and marinating. It's been in the corner each of these #1000words days, waiting for me. I chose to ignore it. I did mental embroidery instead, thinking about my characters and who they are. So when I pick up that stack of paper I might have a better sense of who they are and am I reflecting that in the story?

As I said previously, it has been fun to write this week without an agenda. To just write for fun. Today was harder, because I put an agenda on my #1000 words and only got to about 899 (brain sez: C'mon, you can't do 100 more words???).

Last week I wrote this down on an index card: "This year I will own my identity as a writer. "This challenge is helping me do that. And oh! how inspired I've been by Jami and the 5,000++ others doing it too. Thank you!

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Thank you for the structure and encouragement, Jami! I wrote 1,242 words on this final day and I plan to keep going. Maybe not 1K a day but at least a half-hour or full hour each day.

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Thank you so much Jami, and good luck to everyone else! I've got lots more mess to mess about with now - and certainly wouldn't have done this without you! xxx

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Thank you, Jami. I'm in such a good place with my work. And all you other writers out there, all almost 6000 of us--I hope you all had a rewarding week, too. Onward!

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thank you so much for this challenge!! just finished my 1,026 words. i made a lot of progress on my novel this week and that feels really good! this morning i wrote a flashback scene for one of the main characters that i felt excited to write.

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Really grateful for this offering. Was in a place where there were a lot of stories rolling in my brain, and it was amazing to see what came out when I focused and committed to getting 1,000 words (or so) out each day. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Good morning! Wow, 5,755 writers involved in this challenge. That's a lot of writing energy. Thank you, Jami, for inviting us to join you. I'd wanted to begin the year like this but had stalled in the first week. This helped me restart the year the way I'd intended. I have three new stories now to revise. Yay!

1009 words today.

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This week has been a real grind and I haven't been making my 1000 every day. But I have been making progress and I have been bulldozing through some of the hardest parts. I finally feel like I can see a path through to the end. Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for grinding through with me, y'all!

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