Hi friends.
Today we will write 1000 words. It is our fifth day in a row of writing and that is tough—but it is not impossible. This is when the work is happening. If it feels hard, it’s OK. Sometimes it is hard. We are going to shift into our writing mode and just let it happen, now, right fucking now, let’s go. Because once you choose to make that shift the words will come.
Tell yourself you can. Tell yourself you want this. There are nearly 7,000 other people writing at the same time as you. We all want this. Now it is time. To write.
A suggestion for everyone: at the end of the day today, before bed, read through what you’ve written so far, those 5,000 (or more) words. See if anything’s emerging. Something new or fresh or solid. What felt good. What felt GREAT. Take a moment to recognize this step forward you’ve taken. And use that energy to take you through tomorrow.
We’re almost home.
1061! Hello and goodbye!
Good morning, or whatever time zone you are in. I did 1083 words early. Oh, the siren song of phone scrolling--I set the siren aside. I wrote in an uncharted area, note about a lost friendship that I haven't really written about before. I haven't reviewed anything I've written yet. I've been writing to get back into the practice of getting a lot of words on the page. I'm looking forward to the writing telling me where it wants to go. xo to Jami, and everyone here doing this magic thing!