1270 today 💪

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1000 words, and an edited short story that I will enter in a contest later this afternoon. I am thrilled.

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Day 4 - 1300 late last night. It was a challenge to get 1000 words by a reasonable hour on top of the day job and life. I can see from the comments that I’m not alone! Thankful to this Mini community for motivating me to push through. 800 for day 3 (rough one). Just over 1000 for day 2.

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*googles writers’ research processes*

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1071. I stayed up too late to finish it, and wouldn't have if not for this challenge. But hit some good stuff. Most will be edited out, but some good gems, good seeds in with the rubble.

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Coming in under the wire at exactly 1000 words. It's getting easier to knock out a thousand words, but the exhaustion of being back to school (teaching) is making the occasion of sitting down and writing that much harder. Still, I'm on track, so I'll take that. I don't know whether I'm working anything specific in the long run, beyond just finding (creating) a practice again, but I'm okay with the throatclearing, braindumping, venty writing I'm doing right now. Very okay with it.

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Today, 1076. Very happy with this.

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1080. Barely made it but I will complete this Mini 1000!

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1078 today. Work and things got in the way of completing this sooner but it's done. Can't tell if it's a bunch of fluff but editing isn't today's task. Sticking with this story everyday makes me think about my character more which is helpful.

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1161 words at the end of long exhausting day. Drove in scary blizzard in new to me vehicle and kept skidding but had no choice, had to go. Feel I'm coming down with a cold. So writing was a rant about the day not writing my novel. But writing! I wouldn't have done it without this group.

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1,506 words tonight after a long day at a new job and volunteering after work. My mind tried to rationalize that it was a long day and I needed the rest. But my body, my hands, wanted to tell the story. Dona Raimunda's story. She has a friend now. Her name is Marta. They're friends with many years and tension between them. It's a snapshot of a significant day in their life. Excited to bring this to the finish line tomorrow and write at least 5,000 words of their story.

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I so much relate to this.

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Kristen's words on research vs. writing revved me up. late night here, but got 1037 words!

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Wrote 1054 tonight

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1000 words. This was so hard to finish today, and I wanted to give up tonight. I'm glad I didn't, and I love reading all of these comments. Go us!

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1030 tonight. These 1000 Words minis have been instrumental getting me to push the story I've been working on in the right direction.

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