Hi friends.
Today we will write 1000 words. Because we are becoming one with our words.
When I revisit my work every day like this, I become fascinated with it, possessed by it. There’s a bunch of little triggers that go off, and then suddenly, it’s all I’m thinking about. It’s something to do with the daily persistence. I’m here again, I’m showing up, and now I’m not alone on the page.
There’s a sense of it blossoming it inside of me, filling me up. All the characters and ideas and sentences have found a comfortable (or sometimes uncomfortable) corner, and they’re just chilling out, making a little noise, letting themselves be heard. Like I decided to throw a little get-together and they all strolled in for the night, maybe at different times, but now they’re here, and they would like to hang out.
The work is the best party in town.
How’s your party going? It’s the fourth day. We’ve got some momentum now, and there’s no way any of us are stopping. If you’ve already got three thousand words on the page, I’ve got news for you: your heels are dug in.
Keep digging today. Keep pushing yourself. Keep opening those doors inside of you and letting all the words through. Everybody’s welcome when you’re writing. Everyone’s invited to the party. You can kick out the rowdy or unruly ones later. For now, just let it flow and have some fun. Just write.
1053 and done. I typed it all on my phone today rather than handwriting for no other reason but just to be efficient and speedy and I was sort of on the go this morning. Oh also - I wrote a sex scene and it was really fun.
You are right, Jami, by day 4 I am back in the swing of the party. I got to sleep early and I woke up at 5 am ready to rock and roll. I wrote a scene that I didn't know I had until I started going. I had a seed of an idea, but then the scene blossomed as I continued to follow the inspiration. Now that I reread my almost 900 words, I see that what is revealed in this scene will set up the next two scenes. There is real magic in writing very early in the morning. I will remind myself of that fact tonight when I want to stay up late reading. Early to bed, early to rise, Scoobie doobie doo. Sending good thoughts to each of you, my dear kindred spirits.