Hi friends. Today we will write 1000 words. Because it’s how we dream. Writing is the place to put the good dreams and the bad dreams alike. For me, yes, it’s about my hopes and aspirations, those kinds of big dreams. Could I write something that makes someone else feel something? Could I keep someone company with my words? Will this book reach lots of people? Can I continue to pay my bills with my words? And it’s also where I can imagine other worlds, those kinds of daydreams. Those first few hours of the day where I am writing my hardest feel like a kind of waking dream to me. That state of being fully alive in your brain. It is extremely pleasurable and feels like a joy to me to live in that dream.
I only got maybe 600 words done on the novel today. Then I took a walk, came back, and seemingly out of nowhere wrote about 1,000 words into a brand new short story...??? So much of the novel now is in bits and pieces--a lot of it is rearranging rather than writing new stuff--and I so needed the rush of writing something new. "That state of being fully alive in your brain. It is safe and comforting and extremely pleasurable to live in that space." Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, Jami, for your inspiration and good words.
“ I don’t know how to think of writing as anything other than a gift than I get to give myself every day — if I choose to do it.”
Man. I just finished journaling for the last hour and I feel so good. I do feel like I gave myself something. And more ideas came into my head. Sunday I made an outline of what I’d focus on for the challenge. And as I wrote last night, I started veering off of it and I am someone who sticks to a plan. But then I realized that it’s ok to let the plan evolve. I’m
Ugh, this is the stuff. Exactly what I needed today. Such an important reminder that writing is actively many things - catharsis, documentation, reportage, introversion... we simply need to pick up the pen and allow it to be whatever part of our nervous system we need this day. And like walking (for me), our words will take us somewhere, move us on, even just incrementally, from where we are now. Thanks Jami xx
I'm writing, amidst a week that's suddenly too full of other stuff. But the writing is what I want to do. The gift I want to give myself. That's such a sea change from how I've approached it before - with fear and doubt - now I just want to do it. More on the novel today, plus a picture book near-complete draft, plus some musing on gifts and dreams. Oh, and a job application!
Okay. I just need to be totally honest. I sat, completely motivated, but only managed 386 words between 10 am. to 3 pm today. I can't really see using any of them in the novel. The day is not officially over yet but it is not looking good. I'm so frustrated and, yes, surprised. I hope that all this time thinking and reviewing my draft and searching for clues about what I need to do adds up to something tomorrow.
I can't even say today was a bad day because I am reminded of worse ones immediately. To know and feel other writers saying that writing can be a place to dump our nightmares gives me solace. So much love, Jami. (and everyone else.)
I was up at 1 a.m. (too many thoughts bouncing around), and waking up to this note and the gentle tumble of Fleetwood Mac is so welcome this morning. The reminder to write "not for anyone else to read. Just to know how I really feel about it" is important. The page doesn't always have to be a public stage, it can be a refuge. Sometimes, I forget that, even though that's how I started writing. Thank you, Jami! ❤️
"The worst dreams are the ones left unattended, the ones that are allowed to thrive without question. We’re lucky we have a way to take them on." GAH! Jami, what a gift.
Today's letter speaks to me. I dedicated part of my 1000 words to writing something down that I may or may not say to someone - something that I do need to say. Writing it down has granted me that opportunity and I now have clarity around this one bothersome thing. I spent the other part of my 1000 words getting deeper into the conflict of my latest short. A delish creative note to end today's work on! Happy writing everyone.
I'm so glad I've had my writing prompts at the ready - it helps me get started and then I can work on my piece during lunch and right after work. I have found this to be an enjoyable process - though I wish I would stop waking up at 2:30am! Being held accountable is boosting my confidence. Thanks for the inspiration and the start!
Usually a hand writer, but doing this on the laptop (and loving it...it's past time for trying that). Today I wrote and wrote, exhaled, peeped the word count, and it was exactly 1000.
I write longhand so I have no idea what my technical word count is for the week, but it should be around 3k. Today and yesterday were my busiest days of the week so I'm incredibly proud of myself for making the time for writing and actually getting it done. I'm so excited about the progress I'm making on this novel. I sit down not sure what to write and for some reason the story just comes out of me. I've been writing really emotionally difficult scenes and I'm so happy to finally have them down on paper and out of my head. Grateful for this challenge and this community!
1,110 words done before I read today's message. Weirdly enough, the words are focused on a character struggling with how to chase his dream while his partner chases her own.
Good morning. <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3ywicffOj4
I only got maybe 600 words done on the novel today. Then I took a walk, came back, and seemingly out of nowhere wrote about 1,000 words into a brand new short story...??? So much of the novel now is in bits and pieces--a lot of it is rearranging rather than writing new stuff--and I so needed the rush of writing something new. "That state of being fully alive in your brain. It is safe and comforting and extremely pleasurable to live in that space." Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, Jami, for your inspiration and good words.
“ I don’t know how to think of writing as anything other than a gift than I get to give myself every day — if I choose to do it.”
Man. I just finished journaling for the last hour and I feel so good. I do feel like I gave myself something. And more ideas came into my head. Sunday I made an outline of what I’d focus on for the challenge. And as I wrote last night, I started veering off of it and I am someone who sticks to a plan. But then I realized that it’s ok to let the plan evolve. I’m
Not married to it.
And then, this morning, confirmation came to me.
I am thankful for this challenge.
Woof. I hated every single word that I wrote today, but I somehow feel ok. I am going to count that as a success!
I so understand
Ugh, this is the stuff. Exactly what I needed today. Such an important reminder that writing is actively many things - catharsis, documentation, reportage, introversion... we simply need to pick up the pen and allow it to be whatever part of our nervous system we need this day. And like walking (for me), our words will take us somewhere, move us on, even just incrementally, from where we are now. Thanks Jami xx
I'm writing, amidst a week that's suddenly too full of other stuff. But the writing is what I want to do. The gift I want to give myself. That's such a sea change from how I've approached it before - with fear and doubt - now I just want to do it. More on the novel today, plus a picture book near-complete draft, plus some musing on gifts and dreams. Oh, and a job application!
Okay. I just need to be totally honest. I sat, completely motivated, but only managed 386 words between 10 am. to 3 pm today. I can't really see using any of them in the novel. The day is not officially over yet but it is not looking good. I'm so frustrated and, yes, surprised. I hope that all this time thinking and reviewing my draft and searching for clues about what I need to do adds up to something tomorrow.
I can't even say today was a bad day because I am reminded of worse ones immediately. To know and feel other writers saying that writing can be a place to dump our nightmares gives me solace. So much love, Jami. (and everyone else.)
I was up at 1 a.m. (too many thoughts bouncing around), and waking up to this note and the gentle tumble of Fleetwood Mac is so welcome this morning. The reminder to write "not for anyone else to read. Just to know how I really feel about it" is important. The page doesn't always have to be a public stage, it can be a refuge. Sometimes, I forget that, even though that's how I started writing. Thank you, Jami! ❤️
Oh hello there. Let's do this!! xoxoxo.
"The worst dreams are the ones left unattended, the ones that are allowed to thrive without question. We’re lucky we have a way to take them on." GAH! Jami, what a gift.
Today's letter speaks to me. I dedicated part of my 1000 words to writing something down that I may or may not say to someone - something that I do need to say. Writing it down has granted me that opportunity and I now have clarity around this one bothersome thing. I spent the other part of my 1000 words getting deeper into the conflict of my latest short. A delish creative note to end today's work on! Happy writing everyone.
I'm so glad I've had my writing prompts at the ready - it helps me get started and then I can work on my piece during lunch and right after work. I have found this to be an enjoyable process - though I wish I would stop waking up at 2:30am! Being held accountable is boosting my confidence. Thanks for the inspiration and the start!
Oh that song, I am barely out of the single digits. It's kind of a tearjerker now...Day 3, 1,031 words. Some of them I really quite like.
Usually a hand writer, but doing this on the laptop (and loving it...it's past time for trying that). Today I wrote and wrote, exhaled, peeped the word count, and it was exactly 1000.
I write longhand so I have no idea what my technical word count is for the week, but it should be around 3k. Today and yesterday were my busiest days of the week so I'm incredibly proud of myself for making the time for writing and actually getting it done. I'm so excited about the progress I'm making on this novel. I sit down not sure what to write and for some reason the story just comes out of me. I've been writing really emotionally difficult scenes and I'm so happy to finally have them down on paper and out of my head. Grateful for this challenge and this community!
1,110 words done before I read today's message. Weirdly enough, the words are focused on a character struggling with how to chase his dream while his partner chases her own.