Gah. Missed it.

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2967. Not all new words. I'm just lucky enough that on Day 2 I was able to save most of a chapter (with heavy edits) from the first draft of my novel to use in the second draft. I think this will be rare so I'm going to enjoy it. Favorite sentence: "By the early afternoon, the large, uncovered classroom windows ushered in shifting, angular patches of sunshine that landed on our ersatz wooden desktops, leaving them warm to the touch."

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Ahead, or behind? On the Euro leg I've just done Day 2 and, strangely, was less concentrated on sentences than usual. "Sterben in Schönheit" is a German phrase (lit. "dying beautifully") that is used to describe the quest for perfection in one detail that leads one to fail in the larger context. I didn't want to be guilty of that today, so sketched a beloved character for 1242 words, imperfectly: "She was an absolute queen of accessories, sporting a mink stole to a late-summer picnic or a rhinestone-encrusted clutch to a weekend lunch—and no matter the season, a pair of black cat’s-eye sunglasses stuck into her red cloud of hair."

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Didn't get my Day 2 words in, but I really needed to hear your last sentence there, Jami. Thank you!

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Ok, just finished my words for Day 2: 1,089. Onward!

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1260 words tonight, in spite of a long day and a frazzled mind.

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Favorite sentence today:

When her brother was dying of an autoimmune disease in his fifties, she would wonder if it was from burning something vital within himself as fuel for his contagious laughter, cannibalizing himself to save them all from their mother’s rage, if only for a moment.

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Not sure I did 1000 new words today, but I certainly spent the last two hours of the day revising and rewriting, and making myself wonder if I was just destroying what I’d built, but whatever. Here I am. I have done the work. Happy for everyone who knows how many words they wrote, anyway! :)

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1067. Favorite sentences out of today "Mom raised to believe in the futility of marriage. I somehow thought Dad was in agreement."

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The family says "take time for yourself, but give us your time"...hence I'm not getting my 1000 in today

It's ok I will not be discouraged! I am back to the table tomorrow

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1600 words of like, chronological free-writing - trying to get a sense of where to thematically break the three essays and where I want them to link up. Today was excavation, kind of sucky/emotional but generative. No great sentences, but some important ideas showed up. I did realize that I don't want or need all of the details. Those details are important to my story, but only a few will impact the end pieces. Tell all the truth, but - right?

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I'm sorry to be slow, but I've never done this before and I don't quite get how it works. Is there a place we're supposed to sign up to participate? And if we do sign up, what happens? Do we get an email link every day, or something else? Thanks for any insight.

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If you're signed up for this mailing list (mini1000.substack.com) then you should be getting the email. If it isn't showing up, then you can come and look at the archives every day. (You're here now!) There is tech support available through substack if you are not receiving the email. (I cannot provide tech support.)

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(And good luck!)

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a wonderful set of two sentences that i'm trying to bring with me into this challenge and everything else - from Elisa Albert's "After Birth":

"There is no such thing as ready. There is only doing, despite."

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that book is amazing

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1065, kinda tough ones to get out, which is why it's only happening at 8:30 pm

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1054 words. Sentences that worked: "Family gossip is all I call her for. The family gossip, at least, is good."

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1027! I have an interesting sentence, but I can't tell if it's wonderful or awful yet, so I think I'll keep it to myself for now. :)

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Finished! 1000+ words - a mishmash but completed. I feel good. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

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