I write today. 1000 words. I have a manuscript deadline and I need to write every one of these 1000 words. Thank you for going before me all you brave wordsmiths, into the great unknown, the "raid on the inarticulate." May it be for me today.

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Feeling surprised! I wrote some scenes and maybe have a story going. It’s messy, maudlin, and over the top! It’s also time for bed.

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i wrote 1035 words today in a total freewrite on my family tradition of swearing and I titled it SOAP.

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I wrote about soap this evening! Good work!

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Working on my dissertation every day this week! Less fun, but much needed structure!

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Starting a day late. I guess that means 2000 today. We'll see...

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Had a solid first day! 1203 words - and a decent beginning to a crucial scene I've been researching for the last few weeks for the biography I'm writing. Hoping to use this 14 days to get my manuscript in good shape for an early February delivery date and to force me to stop doing more research and just start writing. I'm about 60,000 words in of a planned 80,000 - so I'm getting there and I'm happy to find other people who are in the weeds too. Good luck everyone!

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Hello all! I flew from Mobile AL to London via Dallas yesterday so allowed myself a 24 hour late start, and am now catching up with you all - some 1,400 words down. I love this challenge. Perfect daily length, and while I wait for my novel's final edits to come back I need to stay focussed on a new project. This one's a memoir weaving my experiences of caring for a spouse with an incurable neurological condition with the experiences of Ukrainian refugee women who have arrived in our small country town. (I'm teaching them English.) Lots about relationships, loss, survival, single mothers, friendships among women. I really need a community to keep me going. My last (and first) book took 12 years plus a false start, and I am too old to waste time. Keep in touch, everyone! xxx

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It sounds like you have a fascinating story to tell! I hear you on not wanting to waste time once you reach a certain age. You are off to a good start.

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This is my first time joining a writing challenge. Happy to be here on Day 1 with 1040 words and thankful for the invitation/ community!

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Thank you for the challenge. I had planned to journal, and found it more difficult than expected, but managed to write 1257 words today. Just trying to get back into writing regularly, especially with the fresh start of the New Year.

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I had planned to outline a book or start on an article, but responded to a friend’s writing prompt and accidentally wrote 985 words on it - and you know, like 60% of them are on point for the book so I’m counting it!

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I'm working on a project that's been going on for a lifetime...sometimes I think maybe I should put it away, when I do it quiets down. Just when I think it is done for good and start something new. It shows up again with a ferocity🤷‍♀️

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1036 words complete at 10:36p (CST). I’m calling that numerical coincidence some sort of sign of good luck. Mostly, I’m grateful for this challenge and your leadership and encouragement. Thank you!

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Didn't think I'd be able to do it what with the kids being around all day, but I did it! Working on a novel revision, mostly tweaky stuff, but still rewriting it by hand.

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Thanks so much for hosting us, Jami! I’m adding to a project of scenes in a specific location that I started during last July’s CampNaNo. Not what I planned, but that’s what I wrote today. #anythingispossible #anythinghappensallthetime

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Does it count if I wrote 3,000 words today on my brand new Substack blog? I started with a few sentences about my abandoned adventure and couldn’t stop! 😍


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The first day is such a treat! I will use these days to revise pages of a novel I’ve been working on for many many years.

It’s so wonderful to feel part of this community, all of us trying to do our best and sit down and write. Thanks Jamie for doing this! I hope you know what difference it makes in our lives!

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