Hi friends.
Today we will write 1000 words. Together. We will be quick and efficient and ruthless and focused and we will get these words down on the page. This will be a painless six days. We will fly through these words. We are here to generate new work, brilliantly, so that we can shift the course of our project. We are in control here. We will get this work done.
If you would like to support me and this project, please pre-order the book version of 1000 WORDS. If you order it through the great indie Books are Magic you get stickers and I’ll sign it for you. Or you can order it from anywhere that is your go-to! Thanks.
I just spent the past two days in New York. First I spoke at Sarah Lawrence College, spreading a little gospel about the power and importance of writing and community. All of us being here together right now is evidence of how that works! The next day I dashed into the city to see the Ed Ruscha show at MOMA. I stood still for a while when I arrived at this piece.
This is us, guys. This is our moment. We have been getting ready to write. We have been getting ready to do things. Now let’s do it already.
A hot tip: If you have a moment today, write a quick note to yourself about what you want to accomplish over the next six days. Keep it close by. Check it when your energy flags. If you want to publicly hold yourself accountable, dash it off in the comments, which I’m leaving open for the duration of this session. Return to it when you need it.
But I bet you won’t need it.
Let’s go, my friends. Let’s write.
1048 over here and done. :)
This round is coming at just the right time for me as I embark on a newish writing project. Thanks, as ever, for being a lighthouse to us writers!