If you enjoyed these brief few days of #1000wordsofsummer, you’ll probably love the book version which comes out on January 9. Order from Books are Magic, and I’ll personally sign your book, but you can really order from any bookstore.
Hi friends.
Today we will write 1000 words. Together. Because when we hold each other accountable—even in this abstract-in-the-ether-internetty way—we get shit done. We can cheer each other on, support each other, nudge each other over the finish line. I thought of all of you every day this week and I sat down and wrote because of it.
And in this way we helped each other prioritize the things that are important. Things like finding our voices, valuing our creative hopes and artistic visions, and making time for our aspirations. And writing 1000 words a day.
These projects are, in a way, always so imaginary to me, in that I have to just trust that the people who are doing it are real and that this collective “us” actually exists. But I know that it’s true. It’s a real thing, I didn’t make it up. We’re here together. So it’s been nice to meet you. And I’m so glad you got your work done this week.
Some housekeeping:
If this is your first time following me, please join me over on the regular weekly Craft Talk, which is fun and free.
If you’re interested in reading on the topics of (among other things) aging and being a woman, art, health, style, and physicality, I am also starting a new newsletter called The 52 Project. It will be paid subscription only, although there will occasionally be free posts so it might be worth a signup no matter what. It starts November 1, which, coincidentally, is my 52nd birthday.
I’ll do another one of these Minis sometime in the winter. Until then, keep going. You got this. I believe in you.
Just finished my 1000 words (I write in the morning before work) and the 6000+ words I wrote this week are more new words than I've written in the last year, when I was stuck in the land of endless revisions. Thank you for hosting us, for encouraging us, for giving us a reason to try something new. I'm going to keep going and see where this thing leads me. <3
1416 words and one cup of coffee. Today my morning pages turned into mourning pages and my 1000 words. My brother-in-law is transitioning to a nursing home and it's been a difficult and emotional experience. It poured out of me today and became my 1000+ words. Last night, I read over this week's daily writing. It was helpful to see what was most present for me this week. But I was also amazed by some of what I wrote and gained some clarity on how I might approach structuring my memoir. I appreciated my daily email and encouragement and looked forward to reading the comments from other community members. Thank you, Jami.. and thank you all for showing up here. Forward! xo