Hi friends.
Today we will write 1000 words. Because we have momentum. We couldn’t possibly stop now. We are on the fifth day of this project and we are on fire. Words are piling up, new ideas are making themselves known to us, demanding our attention. If we just keep building on what we we’ve started, we’ll arrive somewhere new.
Maybe this is the first time you have done this. Now you know how to do it. You know how to keep going and listen to what the writer part of yourself has to say.
Maybe you’ve done this before but it’s been a while. Now you remember what this feels like. You can see that part of yourself again.
Whatever the case, you’ve figured it out. Now you know how to keep writing, every day opening up that notebook or that screen, sitting down and doing it, doing the damn work, getting those words down on the page.
Momentum, propulsion, possibilities. Today we will not stand still.
Let’s go.
Accidentally forgot my phone at home when I went to grab a quick cup of coffee and so I sat down and wrote my 1000 lightning quick while I was free of distraction!
1050 today. I feel like I'm kind of cheating with these character freewrites; there's a lot of chaff among the wheat. But I've learned so much by picking a scene and writing an interior monologue about it from the perspective of a secondary character. Makes me realize how much about my characters I haven't explored. Loving the freedom to just play around without an agenda and see what happens.